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Dr. Hayashi is a Senior Research Scientist at Georgia Tech with over 15 years of experience in programming models, compilers, and runtime systems. He has been instrumental as key personnel in externally sponsored projects funded by BAH, IARPA, IBM, ORNL, SNL, and others. Additionally, he has served on the OC, PC, and ERC for various conferences, including ASPLOS, IPDPS, ISCA, PPoPP, and others. He has been honored with several awards, including the Best SCALE Challenge Award at CCGRID ’23 and ’24 and the 2024 Outstanding Research Scientist Award from Georgia Tech’s College of Computing. His research interests include:

  • Parallel and Distributed Programming Models
  • Automatic Parallelizing Compilers
  • Just-In-Time Compilers
  • Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems
  • Machine-learning for Compiler/Runtime Optimizations
  • Resilience for Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • GPUs
  • Quantum Computing

Recent Highlights

  • A full paper and a workshop paper co-authored by Dr. Hayashi has been accepted at SC'24 (link).
  • A full paper co-authored by Dr. Hayashi has been accepted at ISC'24 (link).
  • Dr. Hayashi received the 2024 Outstanding Research Scientist Award from the College of Computing at Georgia Tech (link).
  • Papers co-authored by Dr. Hayashi received the Best SCALE Challenge Award at IEEE/ACM CCGRID for two consecutive years (2023 and 2024).
  • The IARPA AGILE project, where Dr. Hayashi leads the software aspect, started in September 2022. link